This year, I’ve told myself I want to do more writing and ultimately share some of my thoughts here on the blog. Some of that writing happens on my computer(s), but the rest of it happens on good old pen and paper with ideas and thoughts scattered across various notebooks. It was there I realized that there was another story on the paper beyond just the words I wrote.
Nobody knew how to categorize whatever’s here, including me.
WUGO Rewind: Top 5 Posts of 2015
It’s been another interesting year in the world of WUGO. The most viewed posts of this year seem to reflect a continually reflective space here at the blog desk. While I always look back and wish I had written more, I’m also glad I only shared what I thought was meaningful and interesting instead of posting less coherent and incomplete ideas.
Without further ado, the top 5 viewed posts of this year:
Looking Back: Top 5 WUGO Blog Posts of 2013
Another year, another set of WUGO ramblings and reflections. 2013 didn’t produce as much writing as I’d hoped, which is something I plan to focus on next year. I suspect there will be much on my mind to work through in the next 12 months. But for the curious, which WUGO blog posts garnered the most views from readers according to Google Analytics?
1) Interactive and Thoughtful Discourse Part 1
Somehow a 2011 post and 2012 Top 5 post makes it way to the top of this year’s list! It seems its contents continue to resonate with the Internet. It seems our general lack of ability to truly have conversation is hitting home with readers.
The most recent post covering a multitude of topics and areas in my life takes second place this year for readers. And I’ve had conversations with a handful of you sharing your appreciation and resonance with the post.
3) That Sounds Like a Mis-spent Childhood
Not my first blog post on childhood, but this was the most recent one reflecting on my own unique experiences growing up. (It’s OK, I know we’re all special and unique, just like everyone else.)
4) To Be or Not To Be All Things
An early summer post on trying to do it all – or at least appear that way. Something I should go back, read, and reflect on in my current state in life.
5) Technology & Life: The More Things Change
And last but not least, an early 2013 post looking at how our present always has some foundation in the past and that we shouldn’t so quickly forget that. I also looked at how culture has grown in its laziness to make decisions and desire to understand how things work.
2014 and Beyond
I feel like I say this every year, or at least think it, but 2013 brought a lot of changes with it that will flow over into the coming year. These changes will cause me to rethink a lot of what I know and challenge me to stretch and grow in ways I had previously not planned for. Should be an interesting ride.
Loyal and new readers alike: If you could choose what topics you want me to write and share about, what would they be? Sound off in the comments or wherever I share this link online (FB, Twitter, Google+).
Remembering the Good Times: Top 5 WUGO Blog Posts of 2012
2012 is almost behind us, and if the Mayans are right, pretty soon there won’t be anything ahead of us. Today’s post brings back the most viewed blog posts from this past year with short reflections on each. So here they are in order of total page views (thanks Google Analytics for secretly tracking everyone!):
1) Bathroom Renovation Part Deux
Who doesn’t love a good transformation story, especially when there are pictures? I had linked to this blog post on an Apartment Therapy page about bathroom renovations and it got a number of views from there.
It’s so rare to hear stories of anyone sticking anything out for long periods of time these days, perhaps this post about my 12+ years at my job resonated with readers.
3) Interactive and Thoughtful Discourse Part 1
A 2011 post makes a 2012 comeback appearance. Some traffic to this came through search results and a little bit through link backs in other blog posts throughout this year. The topic is still incredibly relevant and important to me to this day. Also check out the follow up post to it.
This post focused on trying to leave space in life to allow moments and experiences to stand out. Life shouldn’t be running at full speed all the time.
5) My Missing Childhood Stories
Another 2011 post makes its way into the top 5. Apparently, it was a good year for my writing and Google searchers have found me. I guess readers resonated with this post as well.
There you have it. A year in review that isn’t quite over yet. I may have a post or two left, but we’ll see where the holidays take me. Thanks for reading my meanderings. I’ll continue to write and share at my own pace whether or not anyone reads. And that’s.. OK with me.
So Many Ideas, So Much Vacation Time
This past weekend, the company I work for had their annual holiday party. Those of you who I’m Facebook friends with have seen some of the photos from the night. One of the things that happens every year is that our President and CEO each give a speech before dinner starts. Each person focuses on different aspects of the year and the company as a whole. This year, our CEO surprised many of us (again) with some extra blessings. One highlight for many was that everyone is getting an EXTRA week of vacation in 2013. Provided the Mayans were wrong, we’ll all have 5 extra days out of the office next year.
For an old timer at the company like me, this means a couple things. One, my what I consider an already ridiculous amount of time at 4 weeks is now bumped to 5. (Actually, it’s 6 weeks if you include 5 days I’m rolling over from this year into the first 3 months of next year. First world problems, right?) Two, what am I going to do with all this time? I’m starting a list:
- Travel and visit some friends in far away lands like Mississippi or Evanston.
- Travel to new places I’ve been meaning to go like: Iceland (northern lights, natural hot springs, awesomeness)
- Learn how to do stuff around my house from my super-handy neighbor.
- Take a day off every other week all year.
- Sleep. A lot.
- Other stuff
I absolutely realize the “problems” I have are great ones to have and it makes me reaffirm my choice to still be with the same job I started at right after college. This immense amount of time does get me thinking I should consider some bigger adventures, even if they are local but simply require more time to do. Others, like my dream trip to Iceland, may require saving a few dollars first.
Keep your ears open soon as I may be hitting some of you up for ideas on what to do or a time to visit. This guy has many days he’s free to be away from work. Watch out world! Or don’t.
My (Re)Focus on Being a Leader
I originally started this post to focus on the topic of working to be your best and how that isn’t always the easiest thing to do. A number of events in the past couple months have reminded me that I haven’t always been at my best; I haven’t always put in 100% in everything I do. While I don’t see or feel the effects of that in the near future, the result of every action or inaction is evident.
For many years, starting back in college and if I really think about it part of high school, I’ve found myself in positions of leadership. When I’ve been completely devoted and focused on that task and role, I have excelled and it shows in the results of my work and can be seen in the fruits of the organizations and groups I’ve been part of. Though if I give myself an honest assessment of my overall life performance lately, I haven’t always been the best at it nor given my all to people I’m called to lead, direct and teach. I’m not sure why I’ve let myself get so lazy with this. Time to change that.
Starting now, I’m going to refocus my energy to be a better, more focused, more intentional leader. That will entail thinking more about the big picture and the future, training and educating those I lead to be equipped, and keeping myself sharp. Tonight I grabbed my copy of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell which I haven’t read in quite a while. Expect to start seeing some thoughts and reflections on leadership with some direct quotes and insight from Mr. Maxwell.