It’s been another interesting year in the world of WUGO. The most viewed posts of this year seem to reflect a continually reflective space here at the blog desk. While I always look back and wish I had written more, I’m also glad I only shared what I thought was meaningful and interesting instead of posting less coherent and incomplete ideas.
Without further ado, the top 5 viewed posts of this year:
If we point the finger first at the flaws in others, we can feel better about ourselves in the process.
Ah, Iceland. In my short time visiting with you in February, I experienced a new culture and learned a bit about huge chunks of ice and how they affect our world. If you want to see all my Iceland pics, you can view them on my Flickr album.
One of a number of running and marathon related blog posts this year. The beginning of my marathon training had some bumps in the road, which also provided some life insights.
The second running inspired post in the top 5 delving into the importance of the long game and all the steps we take along the paths towards our goals.
A simple message that sometimes the important and life changing moments happen when we’re not necessarily looking for them and in the midst of when we were planning to do something else.
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