
  • Words Mean Something

    Words Mean Something

    Words should be truthful because rhetoric based on lies has real implications. 

    I sit here a few weeks removed from the 1st (and maybe only) presidential debate, and I am overwhelmed when I look back at not just the debate itself but all the events and news that has transpired since then. Writing about politics on this blog or espousing my takes and opinions on social media is pretty limited because it’s painfully clear that too many people have forgotten or unlearned how to converse with anyone they don’t have any significant alignment with. It also seems obvious to me that not enough folks want to accept when something is true despite it making them uncomfortable because it conflicts with existing worldviews or what we would like to be true. 

  • 2020, The Loss Of Nuance, and The Callousness of Selfish Gain

    2020, The Loss Of Nuance, and The Callousness of Selfish Gain

    I was not ready for what this year became. I suspect you, reader, were not either. 

    This year was hard. Though like many others I tried to make do with what was dealt. I spent more time alone than usual and wrote about feeling the need to be cared for as a single person. Travel was mostly nonexistent, save for one coordinated trip to the South for a week in June to see & quarantine with close friends. The April marathon I trained for was canceled. Yet I continued running throughout the year and almost logged 700 miles. Neighbor Bob and I masked up and replaced the basement and stair tile. I completed a year at my not-so-new job. I also made some new friends while nerding out over stationary. So not all was lost.

    However,  I also found 4 gray hairs. That is not acceptable. Thanks a lot, 2020!  
